luni, 12 septembrie 2016

I can not go anynore to this school,is verry sad for me; my friends.

Today was the first and the last day on this school . I am sorry to lett back my friends ,i am so sorry ,bye .

2 comentarii:

  1. Răspunsuri
    1. is a problem with school bus ,Giuliao and Francesca do afternon school 13:30 and finish to 19:30 so for go to the school the bus schooll dont work and for return dont work to ,that because ,this school is out of my land 10 km ,and is just Giuliano and Francesca for take it home ,so the bus school dont work just for two kids ,if they have the morning program can be much better like Claudio and Gabriella ,they begun at 08:00 and finish to 12:00 ,the bus school take them at 13:30 from school ,any way the kids stay in stree 1 houre and 30 minuts , i have give to the kids a nice way in life ,go in a better school ,i quarreled with the leadership of the old school, for not taking care of children and do not teach, now you must go to its back, it is sad for me ,this is the problem
